About me
I am a violin teacher, food educator, editor and vlogger in Inverness. Generally, I have taught in one form or another since moving to Scotland from London 12 years ago.
I started playing the violin when I was 3 - my mother is a Suzuki violin teacher and my father an orchestra conductor - so I grew up in a very musical family. I have a degree in Music and Politics from the University of Southampton, and led the university symphony orchestra, both in the UK and on European tours. Since moving to Scotland in 2010, I transitioned to playing Scottish folk fiddle, and I have since travelled to Sweden and Norway to study Scandinavian folk fiddle, which is a passion of mine. I love teaching the violin - every lesson is so enjoyable for both me and my pupils, as we discover new music together.
In 2023 I began my Suzuki Violin teacher training, and in June 2024, I passed my Level 1 exam. I am now continuing onto Level 2, and am finding my teaching is improving and developing exponentially through the training.
You can find me on Facebook @violinteacherinverness
I have worked in food education since 2013. I was a Food Development Officer for Forward Coupar Angus, and a Project Officer for MOO Food, teaching children's cooking groups, running mental health, gardening and cooking groups and creating community events. From 2020 - 21, I worked on the development of the Highland Good Food Partnership , and created and edited their podcast, and executed a large scale online conference. After maternity leave, I have been delighted to return to work for them as a Project Support Officer.